2024 Winter Webinar Series 

Beauty of Mohican Basketry: Revealing Faded

Designs with Digital Technology

When: January 17th, 2024

Time: 6:00pm


Listen to Dr. Jeffrey Bendremer, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, as he shares his use of D-Stretch, a program that digitally manipulates the light waves in photos, to bring out the designs and digitally reconstruct their original appearance. Coral Cook, a member of the Stockbridge-Munsee Community, will also detail the research she undertook during a Historic Preservation Internship learning about the intricacies of basket making.


Tribal Archaeology in Stockbridge, MA:

Reporting Back on Fieldwork

When: February 14th, 2024

Time: 2:00pm


Learn from Dr. Ann Morton of Morton Archaeological Research Services as she speaks about what was found during these excavations, and Hikaru Hayakawa (former Historic Preservation Intern), Williams College Student, as he discusses the National Register process


Papscanee Island: New Research on a

Historic Mohican Site

When: March 13th, 2024

Time: 10:00am


In 2021, and as part of the Underrepresented Communities Grant Program funded by the National Park Service, the Tribal Historic Preservation Office worked tirelessly to research and present an application for 21 sites on the Island to be on the National Historic Register. Join Dr. Jeffrey Bendremer, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, to learn about the research unearthed and experience gleaned from this process.

"The Land in Controversy": Natives, Newcomers, and

the Fight for the Hudson Valley

When: April 17th, 2024

Time: 10:00am


The phrase “The Land in Controversy” refers to the mid-1700s period, when colonists were beginning to question the powers that be while the Native inhabitants of the Hudson River Valley such as Wappinger (Munsee) sachem Daniel Nimham were consulting lawyers to defend their land and allying with their Stockbridge kin to seek justice from King George III himself. Join historian Dr. James Merrell as he discusses his research into this tumultuous time for Munsee ancestors in the Hudson River Valley.